what are 10 questions you can ask in dragon wings chapter 5

1. What is Moon Shadow's first impression of his new school in America?

2. How does Moon Shadow adjust to the differences in culture and language at his new school?
3. How does Moon Shadow feel about being the only Chinese student in his class?
4. How does Miss Whitlaw, Moon Shadow's teacher, treat him in Chapter 5?
5. How does Moon Shadow's friendship with Joey affect his experience at school?
6. How does Moon Shadow feel about his father's absence during school hours?
7. How does Moon Shadow's relationship with Miss Whitlaw evolve throughout Chapter 5?
8. What challenges does Moon Shadow face academically in Chapter 5?
9. How does Moon Shadow's understanding of American culture change over the course of the chapter?
10. How does Moon Shadow's time at school contribute to his overall character development in Dragon Wings?