7th grade: Seacoast: 70 mountains: 40 totals: 110

8th grade Seacoast: 90 mountains; 110 totals:200
totals; Seacoast; 160 mountains: 150 totals: 310
Determine the relative frequency of the percent of 7th graders who prefer mountains. Round the percentage to the nearest tenth.





To determine the relative frequency of the percent of 7th graders who prefer mountains, we need to calculate the percentage of 7th graders who prefer mountains out of the total number of students surveyed.

From the given data:
Number of 7th graders who prefer mountains: 40
Total number of students surveyed: 110

Percentage = (40/110) x 100 = 36.4%

Therefore, the correct answer is 36.4%.