How did most enslaved people cope with the miserable conditions they faced?

Most enslaved people coped with the miserable conditions they faced through a combination of strategies, including:

1. Drawing on their faith and spirituality to find strength and comfort in adverse situations.
2. Forming tight-knit communities and support networks within their enslaved community to provide emotional support and solidarity.
3. Engaging in acts of resistance, such as sabotage, passive resistance, and escape attempts, to assert some degree of control over their own lives.
4. Engaging in cultural practices, such as music, dance, storytelling, and other forms of expression, to maintain their sense of identity and heritage.
5. Finding moments of joy and connection, even in the midst of hardship, through friendships, family bonds, and small acts of kindness.
6. Using traditional healing methods and remedies to address physical and mental health issues.
7. Finding ways to educate themselves and their children, often in secret or against the prohibitions of their enslavers.
8. Holding onto hopes and dreams of freedom, even in the most dire circumstances.

Overall, enslaved people displayed resilience, creativity, and courage in the face of unimaginable suffering and oppression.