Why is urbanization increasing with globalization?(1 point)


The international division of labor concentrates manufacturing jobs in the U.S. and Europe where wages are high.
The international division of labor concentrates manufacturing jobs in the U.S. and Europe where wages are high.

Commodity chains tend to be local, with all the jobs required for production happening in one city.
Commodity chains tend to be local, with all the jobs required for production happening in one city.

Job opportunities in rural areas are pulling people from cities.
Job opportunities in rural areas are pulling people from cities.

Job opportunities in cities are pulling people from rural areas.
Job opportunities in cities are pulling people from rural areas.

Additionally, urban areas offer better access to markets, technology, infrastructure, and services, which are essential for businesses to thrive in a globalized economy. As a result, people are drawn to cities in search of better job prospects, education, healthcare, and overall quality of life. This increased urbanization is further fueled by the expansion of transportation networks, communication systems, and the spread of ideas and cultures that come with globalization.