fill in the blanks

The exact definition of a word is called the _________ _________.

When you use a word in an ___________ way, you are using its __________ meaning.
__________ ___________ describes the feeling or idea that a word has in addition to its literal or main meaning.

One common type of figurative language is a __________.

A __________ is figurative language that compares two objects without using the words like or as.

literal meaning

alternate meaning
Connotative meaning

for all of them

The exact definition of a word is called the **literal meaning**.

When you use a word in an **alternate** way, you are using its **alternate** meaning.
**Connotative meaning** describes the feeling or idea that a word has in addition to its literal or main meaning.

One common type of figurative language is a **metaphor**.

A **metaphor** is figurative language that compares two objects without using the words like or as.