L a i t h and k h a l e n or apartments in a game La i t h s score l and k h a l e n s score k at halftime or shown on the number line negative 10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 13 scored recording a half time is 4 what could the score represents a the difference between l a i t h s cord and k h a l e n score b the absolutely volume on a difference between l a i t h s for k h a l e n score c the sum of the absolutely volume of k h a r e n a score D the song of l a t h s score and k h a l e n e scored

a) The difference between Laith's score and Khalen's score would be 4.

b) The absolute value of the difference between Laith's score and Khalen's score would be 4.
c) The sum of the absolute values of Khalen's score and Laith's score would be 4.
d) The sum of Laith's score and Khalen's score would be 17.