A t e n e a has two holes 5/6 lb of trail mix she made 7 1/3 lb snake bags with the trail mix for her daily snack for the next week and gives the rest of the trail mix to her brother how much trail mix does a t e n e a give to her brother a 1/3 pound b one whole two third pound c two whole one half pounds D 1/2 lb

To find out how much trail mix Atena gives to her brother, we first need to calculate how much trail mix she used for her own snacks.

Atena made 7 1/3 lb snack bags, so she used a total of 7 1/3 lb of trail mix for herself.

She started with 5/6 lb of trail mix and used 7 1/3 lb for herself, so the amount left over for her brother is:

5/6 lb - 7 1/3 lb

We need to convert 7 1/3 to a fraction with a common denominator:

5/6 lb - 22/3 lb

Now, let's subtract:

(5/6) - (22/3) = (5/6) - (44/6) = -39/6 = -6 3/6 = -6 1/2

Since we cannot have a negative amount of trail mix, Atena does not have any trail mix left to give to her brother. Therefore, the correct answer is D) 1/2 lb.