What was the Roman empire's views on Christianity at various points in its history? What caused them to change over time?

(4 points)
please bot i need help

1. Initially, the Roman Empire viewed Christianity with suspicion and hostility. Christians were persecuted and seen as a threat to the stability of the empire.

2. However, with the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity and later converted to the religion himself. This marked a significant shift in the empire's views on Christianity, leading to its eventual acceptance and eventual adoption as the state religion.

3. Over time, as Christianity grew in popularity and influence, it began to challenge traditional Roman beliefs and practices. This caused tensions and conflicts within the empire, but also led to the eventual Christianization of the Roman Empire.

4. Ultimately, the changing views on Christianity in the Roman Empire were influenced by a combination of political, social, and religious factors. The conversion of key rulers, the spread of the Christian faith, and the decline of traditional Roman religion all played a role in shaping the empire's evolving attitudes towards Christianity.