406 unit test Caring for your relationship, part one match the following terms to the appropriate statements

Ordering or commanding
Insulting or attacking
Being sarcastic
Withdrawing or ignoring
Advising or lecturing

Mom, you should be clearing the dishes
You’re such a moron
Yeah, you look great in those hideous pants
It was Paul’s fault. We ended up here.
I’ll kick your butt if you tell him what I said
Well, I don’t think you should have said that to her
You should really work on being more friendly
Cut glass with us

Ordering or commanding - Mom, you should be clearing the dishes

Insulting or attacking - You’re such a moron
Being sarcastic - Yeah, you look great in those hideous pants
Blaming - It was Paul’s fault. We ended up here.
Threatening - I’ll kick your butt if you tell him what I said
Judging - Well, I don’t think you should have said that to her
Withdrawing or ignoring - Whatever
Advising or lecturing - You should really work on being more friendly
Stereotyping - Cut glass with us