It’s a dirge

for the fallen, for the lost

A mournful song, a heavy cost

We gather here to say goodbye

To those we loved, who had to die

Their memory lives on in our hearts

But it’s so hard to be apart

So we sing this dirge, a somber tune

To remember them by, in the light of the moon

Their spirits soaring high above

They’ll always be with us, in our love

So let us gather, let us mourn

And honor those who will not return

This dirge we sing, a sad refrain

But in our hearts, they’ll remain.

What is a dirge

A dirge is a somber or mournful song or piece of music, often associated with funerals or the remembrance of the dead. It is typically slow and melancholic in nature, expressing grief, sorrow, and loss. Dirges have been used in various cultures throughout history as a way to commemorate and pay tribute to the deceased.