Use the image to answer the question.

A coordinate plane of quadrant 1 is titled Mass of Gerbil in Grams versus Age in Weeks. An upward sloping line is plotted along with 12 unlabeled plotted points. The x-axis is labeled Age in Weeks and ranges from 0 to 7 in increments of 1. The y-axis is labeled Mass of Gerbil in Grams and ranges from 0 to 300 in increments of 25. A line is drawn startimg at left parenthesis 0 comma 75 right parenthesis and passes through the plotted points left parenthesis 1 comma 100 right parenthesis, and left parenthesis 2 comma 125 right parenthesis shown on the graph. The other points plotted on the graph are as follows, but the line does not go through these points: One point is plotted at the origin. The others are approximately at left parenthesis 2.8 comma 120 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 3 comma 200 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 3.2 comma 170 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 3.7 comma 180 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 4 comma 210 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 4.2 comma 200 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 5.2 comma 195 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 5.4 comma 225 right parenthesis, and left parenthesis 6.2 comma 300 right parenthesis.

Interpret the data to determine what would be a good approximation of a gerbil’s mass at exactly 5 weeks old.

(1 point)

275 grams
275 grams

250 grams
250 grams

75 grams
75 grams

200 grams
200 grams
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Based on the plotted data points and the line drawn through the points of age 1, 2, and 3 weeks, a good approximation of a gerbil's mass at exactly 5 weeks old would be 250 grams. This is because as the line slopes upwards, and the plotted points indicate an increase in mass as age increases. Since the line does not pass through the point of age 5 weeks, we can estimate the mass to be around 250 grams based on the trend shown by the data points and the line.

Using Trend Lines Quick Check

2 of 52 of 5 Items

Use the image to answer the question.

A coordinate plane of quadrant 1 is titled Burger Total in Dollars versus Number of Toppings. The x-axis labeled Number of Toppings ranges from 0 to 4 in increments of 1. The y-axis labeled Burger Total in Dollars ranges from 2.00 to 3.25 in increments of 0.25. Five points are plotted on the plane with the following approximate coordinates: left parenthesis 0 comma 2.50 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 1 comma 2.65 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 2 comma 2.80 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 3 comma 2.95 right parenthesis, and left parenthesis 4 comma 3.15 right parenthesis.

What does the y -intercept tell you?

(1 point)

You will pay at least $2.65 for a burger.
You will pay at least $2.65 for a burger.

You will pay $3.10 for a burger with 2 additional toppings.
You will pay $3.10 for a burger with 2 additional toppings.

You will not pay anything unless you add at least 1 topping to your burger.
You will not pay anything unless you add at least 1 topping to your burger.

You will pay at least $2.50 for a burger even if you do not have extra toppings.
You will pay at least $2.50 for a burger even if you do not have extra toppings.
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The y-intercept is the value where the line intersects the y-axis. In this case, the y-intercept is approximately $2.50, which means that you will pay at least $2.50 for a burger even if you do not have any extra toppings. Therefore, the correct response is:

You will pay at least $2.50 for a burger even if you do not have extra toppings.

The population growth of a state since 2000 in millions of people is represented by a linear model. Using the trend line, y=0.83x+30, predict the population, y, in the year 2030. Let x=30 because the year 2030 is 30 years after the year 2000.(1 point)


In 2030, the population of the state will be 0.83 million people.
In 2030, the population of the state will be 0.83 million people.

In 2030, the population of the state will be 60.83 million people.
In 2030, the population of the state will be 60.83 million people.

In 2030, the population of the state will be 30.03 million people.
In 2030, the population of the state will be 30.03 million people.

In 2030, the population of the state will be 54.9 million people.

To predict the population in the year 2030 using the linear model y = 0.83x + 30 where x = 30 (30 years after the year 2000), we substitute x = 30 into the equation:

y = 0.83(30) + 30
y = 24.9 + 30
y = 54.9

Therefore, in 2030, the population of the state will be 54.9 million people. The correct response is:

In 2030, the population of the state will be 54.9 million people.

Your teacher surveyed the class to determine the number of hours that each student spent on social media. Your teacher created a table and scatterplot graph that displayed the number of hours, x, and the average final grade percentage, y, based on the hours. Using the equation of the trend line of the data, y=–7.2x+98.9, predict the average final grade percentage, to the nearest whole number, if a student spent 10 hours on social media.(1 point)


The average final grade is 7.2 if a student spent 10 hours on social media.
The average final grade is 7.2 if a student spent 10 hours on social media.

The average final grade is 99% if a student spent 10 hours on social media.
The average final grade is 99% if a student spent 10 hours on social media.

The average final grade is 27% if a student spent 10 hours on social media.
The average final grade is 27% if a student spent 10 hours on social media.

The average final grade is 92% if a student spent 10 hours on social media.

To predict the average final grade percentage if a student spent 10 hours on social media using the equation of the trend line, y = -7.2x + 98.9, we substitute x = 10 into the equation:

y = -7.2(10) + 98.9
y = -72 + 98.9
y = 26.9

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the predicted average final grade percentage for a student who spent 10 hours on social media would be 27%.

Therefore, the correct response is: The average final grade is 27% if a student spent 10 hours on social media.


You are snow skiing down a mountain that is represented by the linear model y=–30x+6,000, where y is the number of feet after x seconds. Predict your elevation level in feet if you ski 60 seconds. (1 point)

After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 7,800 feet high.
After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 7,800 feet high.

After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 6,030 feet high.
After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 6,030 feet high.

After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 5,820 feet high.
After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 5,820 feet high.

After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 4,200 feet high.

To predict the elevation level in feet after 60 seconds of skiing using the linear model y = -30x + 6,000, we substitute x = 60 into the equation:

y = -30(60) + 6,000
y = -1,800 + 6,000
y = 4,200

Therefore, after 60 seconds of skiing, you would be at 4,200 feet high.

The correct response is: After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 4,200 feet high.