One day, Michael and Joshua were playing a game online when they saw a suspicious link. It said, "Click here for free coins! Enter your first and last name, birthdate, and home address to claim and enter to win a contest for a free PS5 from Paysation!”

Michael and Joshua were excited, but there were a few things that made this link suspicious.

Firstly, the link was offering free coins for a game they were playing, which seemed too good to be true. Secondly, the request for personal information such as their first and last name, birthdate, and home address raised red flags for potential identity theft or fraud. Lastly, the mention of a contest for a free PS5 seemed like a tactic to lure them into providing their personal information without fully understanding the consequences.

Michael and Joshua decided to do some research before clicking on the link. They discovered that Paysation was not a legitimate company and that the link was likely a scam. They decided to report the suspicious link to the game's administrators and warn their friends about it to prevent anyone else from falling for the scam.

It was a valuable lesson for Michael and Joshua on the importance of being cautious online and not giving out personal information to unknown sources. They continued playing their game, now more wary of suspicious links and offers that seemed too good to be true.