List Six deceptive graphical techniques.

Deceptive graphical techniques are commonly used to manipulate data and mislead the audience. Here are six of them along with explanations:

1. Misleading scales: This technique involves using non-uniform scales on graphs or charts to make changes in data appear larger or smaller than they actually are. To identify this, carefully examine the axis labels and ensure that the increments are consistent.

2. Omitted data: Deception can be achieved by selectively excluding certain data points or omitting specific time periods to present a distorted view of the information. To detect this, cross-reference the graph with the original data source and look for any gaps or missing values.

3. Distorted visuals: Graphs or charts can be manipulated by altering the size, shape, or orientation of the visual elements. These modifications can create a false impression or exaggerate differences between data points. To identify this, compare the proportions and arrangements of the visuals with the actual underlying data.

4. Cherry-picking: This tactic involves selectively choosing data that supports a particular viewpoint while ignoring conflicting evidence. To spot cherry-picking, look for situations where only a small subset of the available data is presented, without considering the broader context.

5. Incomplete comparisons: The technique of incomplete comparisons involves displaying only a part of the relevant data, such as a subset of available time periods or a particular demographic group. This can create a skewed perspective on the overall trends or patterns. To detect this, ensure that comparisons are made across the entire relevant dataset.

6. Manipulated axes: Graphs can be misleading when the axes are modified to alter the visual perception of the data. For instance, starting the y-axis at a non-zero value can exaggerate differences or make trends appear more significant than they are. To guard against this, carefully examine the scale and range of the axes to ensure they are presented accurately.

By being vigilant and critically assessing graphs or charts using these techniques, you can become more adept at identifying deception and interpreting data accurately.