1. Have you ever experienced the death of someone close to you? If so, how did you feel? How did you express those feelings?

2. Did you go through any of the stages (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance)?
3. Does it help you understand others that have lost someone close?
4. How do you feel about the anticipation regarding the death of a resident you are close to?

5. How do you cope with the emotional toll of witnessing the decline and eventual passing of a resident under your care?

6. Have you found any helpful resources or coping mechanisms for dealing with grief and loss in your line of work?
7. How do you support other staff members who may also be struggling with the loss of a resident?
8. How do you ensure that you are taking care of yourself emotionally and mentally while working in a setting where death is a common occurrence?
9. Have you ever participated in any rituals or practices to commemorate the passing of a resident and honor their memory?
10. How do you find moments of closure and peace after the death of a resident under your care?