Compare the speech by Edward Grey to the speech by Kaiser Wilhelm II. What do both leaders agree on about entering World War I?(1 point)


The war is a result of ill will by those opposed to the strength of Germany.
The war is a result of ill will by those opposed to the strength of Germany.

It is important to support an ally.
It is important to support an ally.

Imperialism was a primary cause of the war.
Imperialism was a primary cause of the war.

Britain would lose respect if it failed to support Belgium.
Britain would lose respect if it failed to support Belgium.

Both leaders agree that the war was a result of ill will towards their countries (Germany and Britain) and that imperialism was a primary cause of the war. Additionally, they both agree on the importance of supporting an ally, with Grey emphasizing the need to support Belgium and Kaiser Wilhelm II emphasizing the need to support Austria-Hungary.