Write an unfinished children's play of 900 words for the age group of 4 years

Give the title of the play
The amount of characters
Give character description (age, gender, animal/human, personality traits)

Title: "The Adventures of Teddy and Friends"

1. Teddy - a brave and curious teddy bear, age 5, male, adventurous and kind-hearted
2. Lily - a playful bunny, age 4, female, energetic and mischievous
3. Max - a loyal dog, age 6, male, protective and sweet
4. Sammy - a chatty squirrel, age 4, female, excitable and friendly

Locale: The enchanted forest

[Scene 1: The Enchanted Forest]
(Teddy, Lily, Max, and Sammy are playing hide-and-seek in the Enchanted Forest. They are laughing and having a great time.)

Teddy: (excitedly) I found you, Lily! It's my turn to hide now!

Lily: (giggling) Okay, Teddy! Count to ten and we'll find you!

(Max and Sammy hide behind a bush while Teddy covers his eyes and starts counting.)

Teddy: One, two, three...

(Lily and Sammy quietly sneak up to Max and whisper their plan to surprise Teddy.)

Lily: Shh, let's all jump out at the same time when Teddy finishes counting!

Max: (barking softly) Sounds like a great idea! Let's surprise him!

(Teddy finishes counting and opens his eyes to find his friends hidden. He starts searching for them around the forest.)

Teddy: Where are you, my friends? I'm coming to find you!

(Lily, Max, and Sammy jump out from their hiding spots, laughing and cheering.)

Lily: Surprise, Teddy!

Teddy: (laughing) You got me! Your turn to hide now, Lily!

(Lily grins and covers her eyes, counting as Teddy, Max, and Sammy hide around the forest.)

[Lights fade as they continue playing hide-and-seek.]

End of Scene 1

[Scene 2: The Hidden Cave]
(The friends hear a strange noise coming from a hidden cave in the forest.)

Sammy: (excitedly) What's that sound? Let's go investigate, friends!

Max: (cautiously) Be careful, it might be something dangerous.

Teddy: (bravely) Don't worry, I'll protect you all! Let's go see what's inside the cave.

(The friends cautiously approach the cave and peer inside to find a magical treasure chest shining brightly.)

Lily: (gasping) Wow, look at that treasure chest! It must be filled with wonderful treasures!

Teddy: (curiously) Let's open it and see what's inside. But be careful, it could be a trap!

(Sammy carefully opens the treasure chest to reveal shiny jewels and sparkling gems.)

Sammy: (excitedly) Look at all these treasures! They're so beautiful!

Max: (admiring) It's like a fairy tale come true! Let's take some treasures back with us to share with the other forest animals.

(The friends carefully gather some jewels from the treasure chest and decide to share them with the other animals in the forest.)

Teddy: (proudly) We found treasure, but the real treasure is having good friends like you all.

(They all share a group hug before deciding to return to their homes in the forest.)

End of Scene 2

[To be continued...]