triangle sides 10

height 6
triangle base 8
find the lenth of the. middle rectangle tahts missing

What is the missing length l of the triangular prism if the surface area is 524 square centimeters?
(1 point)
• 8 cm
• 16 cm
• 17 cm.
• 10 cm

To find the missing length of the middle rectangle, first calculate the area of the triangle using the given height and base:

Area = 0.5 * base * height
Area = 0.5 * 8 * 6
Area = 24 square cm

Now subtract the area of the triangle from the total surface area of the triangular prism:

Area of missing middle rectangle = Total surface area - Area of triangle
Area of missing middle rectangle = 524 - 24
Area of missing middle rectangle = 500 square cm

Since the missing rectangle is between the two triangular faces of the prism, it would be a rectangle with the dimensions of the sides of the triangle, which are 10 and 6. Therefore, the missing length l is 10 cm.

So, the answer is:
• 10 cm