The protein that carries oxygen in our blood is known as...

A. amino acid.

B. anemia.

C. messenger RNA.

D. hemoglobin.

D. hemoglobin.

Which statement accurately describes sickle cell anemia?

A. It affects the functions of red blood cells of humans.

B. It emerges in humans without the influence of DNA.

C. It affects transcription and translation in humans.

D. It emerges in humans without the influence of mRNA.

A. It affects the functions of red blood cells of humans.

How are DNA and mRNA related?

A. mRNA is used as a template to make DNA.

B. If there has been a mutation in mRNA, the DNA will not change.

C. DNA is used as a template to make mRNA.

D. If there has been a mutation in DNA, the mRNA will not change.

C. DNA is used as a template to make mRNA.

Three-letter segments of mRNA code for specific...

A. sickle cells.

B. chromosomes.

C. disorders.

D. amino acids.

D. amino acids.