Convert the speed 1.000m/s (meters/second) to mi/h (miles/hour). Hint: 1mi = 5280 ft and 1 m = 0.000621371 mi

To convert from meters/second to miles/hour, we need to convert meters to miles and seconds to hours.

1 mi = 5280 ft
1 m = 0.000621371 mi

First, let's convert speed from meters/second to feet/second:
1.000 m/s * 3.28084 = 3.28084 ft/s

Now, let's convert feet/second to miles/hour:
3.28084 ft/s * 3600 s/hr * (1 mi / 5280 ft) = 2.237 Mph

Thus, the speed 1.000 m/s is equivalent to approximately 2.237 mi/h.