What year did the Zionist movement start

The Zionist movement began in the late 19th century, with the first Zionist Congress taking place in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland.

What years did these things happen?

Zionist movement
Balfour declaration
League of Nation create mandates to partition the Middle East
Suez Canal crisis
World War 2 / Holocaust
Israel becomes an official state.
Yom Kippur War
Creation of the Arab league
Egypt Israel peace treaty
Six-day war
Oslo Accords

Zionist movement: Late 19th century, first Zionist Congress in 1897

Balfour Declaration: November 2, 1917
League of Nations create mandates to partition the Middle East: 1920
Suez Canal crisis: 1956
World War 2 / Holocaust: 1939-1945
Israel becomes an official state: May 14, 1948
Yom Kippur War: October 6-25, 1973
Creation of the Arab League: March 22, 1945
Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty: March 26, 1979
Six-Day War: June 5-10, 1967
Oslo Accords: September 13, 1993

In order

1. Zionist movement: Late 19th century, first Zionist Congress in 1897

2. Balfour Declaration: November 2, 1917
3. League of Nations create mandates to partition the Middle East: 1920
4. World War 2 / Holocaust: 1939-1945
5. Israel becomes an official state: May 14, 1948
6. Creation of the Arab League: March 22, 1945
7. Suez Canal crisis: 1956
8. Six-Day War: June 5-10, 1967
9. Yom Kippur War: October 6-25, 1973
10. Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty: March 26, 1979
11. Oslo Accords: September 13, 1993