Which box gives you more cereal for your money?

First, solve for the volume of each box of cereal. FORMULA SHEET

Second, find the UNIT PRICE for each box. PRICE/Cubic Inch. DO NOT ROUND. WRITE OUT ALL OF THE DECIMALS.

Third, compare the prices. Which box of cereal is cheaper per cubic inch?

To solve for the volume of each box of cereal, we can use the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism: volume = length x width x height.

Box A:
Length = 8 inches
Width = 4 inches
Height = 12 inches

Volume = 8 x 4 x 12 = 384 cubic inches

Box B:
Length = 10 inches
Width = 5 inches
Height = 8 inches

Volume = 10 x 5 x 8 = 400 cubic inches

Next, we will find the unit price for each box by dividing the price by the volume:

Box A:
Price = $5.00
Unit Price = $5.00 / 384 = $0.0130208333 per cubic inch

Box B:
Price = $6.00
Unit Price = $6.00 / 400 = $0.015 per cubic inch

Comparing the prices, we can see that Box A is cheaper per cubic inch at $0.0130208333 compared to Box B at $0.015. Therefore, Box A gives you more cereal for your money.