Write me a pome about Spider man vrs the Green Goblin

In the city of New York, where skyscrapers stand tall,

Lies a battle of heroes and villains, ready to brawl.
Spider-Man swings from building to building with grace,
His spider senses tingling, ready to face.

The Green Goblin lurks in the shadows, a sinister grin,
With his pumpkin bombs and glider, ready to win.
Their rivalry spans through the streets of the city,
A battle of good versus evil, what a pity.

Spider-Man's agility and strength unmatched,
While the Green Goblin's cunning plans are hatched.
They clash in a showdown of epic proportions,
A fight to the finish, no distortions.

Spidey dodges the Goblin's attacks with ease,
Using his web-slinging skills to bring him to his knees.
But the Green Goblin is relentless and fierce,
His evil intentions never to pierce.

In the end, Spider-Man emerges victorious,
Defeating the Green Goblin, leaving him furious.
The city safe once more, thanks to our hero in red and blue,
A reminder that good will always triumph, through and through.