Write me a pome about a hard working, caring, selfless, loving, gentle mother with silk brown hair and beautiful brown eyes

In the quiet of the dawn's first light,

Stands a mother, pure and bright,
With silk brown hair and eyes of brown,
Her love and grace spread all around.

Her hands, they work from morn till night,
Selfless, caring, always in sight,
Tending to her family's needs,
Planting love in all their seeds.

Gentle whispers, kind and true,
With a heart that's warm and never blue,
She gives her all with endless grace,
In her arms, all find a safe place.

A mother like no other, strong and wise,
With a spirit that never dies,
Her love is a beacon in the storm,
A guiding light to keep us warm.

Her beauty shines from deep within,
A love that knows no end or sin,
For she is the pillar of our lives,
A shining example, pure and wise.

So here's to the mother with silk brown hair,
With eyes of brown, so soft and fair,
A gentle soul, a guiding light,
A mother who shines so bright.