In order to remember to add transitions, one strategy I used was

creating a checklist of common transition words and phrases and keeping it handy while writing or editing my work. This way, I could easily reference the list and ensure that I included a variety of transitions throughout my writing. Additionally, I made it a point to review my work specifically for transitions after completing a draft, as it's easy to overlook this aspect of writing when focusing on other elements. By incorporating these strategies into my writing process, I was able to improve the flow and coherence of my work.

Can you make it super simpls, and only 1 to 2 sentences pls

I kept a list of transition words nearby while writing to remind myself to include them in my work, and I always checked for transitions after finishing a draft to make sure my writing flowed smoothly.

Something I can do to check that I have maintained a formal style is

Please write it simply with one to 2 sentences

I can read my work out loud or have someone else review it to ensure that my writing maintains a formal tone. Additionally, I can check for any slang or informal language and replace it with more formal vocabulary.

any others that relate to ela?

(English - Language Arts)
7th grade pls

Another strategy for checking the formal style in my writing is to use academic language appropriate for my grade level and subject matter, such as avoiding contractions and slang. I can also consult a grammar or style guide specific to English Language Arts to ensure that I am following the conventions of formal writing.

One strategy I use to write an effective conclusion is

Simple 1 to 2 sentences pls

I restate my main points and provide a summary of my argument in a clear and concise manner, ensuring that my conclusion effectively ties together all aspects of my essay. Additionally, I may end with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Ok here is what I wrote. Hopefully it will get a good grade!!

In order to remember to add transitions, one strategy I used was to have a list of transitions nearby and see which one flowed the best with the rest of the sentence.
Something I can do to check that I have maintained a formal style is to make sure there’s no slang. I should read it out loud to a learning coach or older family member to see if they have any corrections.
One strategy I use to write an effective conclusion is to remember to include my statement, and main points of the essay.