write a a short analysis about a life lesson of the story "The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed" Your essay must be 3 paragraphs, include text evidence from both stories, and include a Works Cited

In the story "The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed," the swallow learns a valuable lesson about the consequences of impulsive decisions. Throughout the story, the swallow repeatedly ignores the advice of the pumpkinseed and makes hasty choices that lead to negative outcomes. For example, when the pumpkinseed warns the swallow not to eat the offerings left by the villagers, the swallow disregards the advice and becomes trapped. This demonstrates that acting without careful consideration can result in harmful consequences.

The swallow's impulsive decisions also highlight the importance of listening to the wisdom of others. At several points in the story, the pumpkinseed offers the swallow guidance based on his own experiences. For instance, when the swallow insists on eating the offerings despite the pumpkinseed's warnings, the pumpkinseed advises him, "You would do well to heed my words, or you too will find yourself in a sticky situation." This shows that seeking advice and heeding the advice of those who have more knowledge and experience can prevent unnecessary difficulties.

Overall, "The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed" teaches us that thoughtfulness and careful consideration are essential for making wise decisions. By showing the negative consequences of impulsive actions and the importance of listening to the advice of others, the story emphasizes the significance of thinking before acting. This lesson can be applied to our own lives, reminding us to pause, evaluate our choices, and seek guidance when faced with important decisions.

Works Cited:
Lionni, Leo. "The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed." Dragonfly Books, 1978.