Ralph is 68 inches tall, Abdul is 73 inches tall, Marshall is 65 inches tall, and Francesco is 70 inches tall. Use inequality symbols to order the heights in inches from greatest to least. Who is tallest?(1 point)


70 > 73 > 68 > 65. Francesco is tallest.
70 is greater than 73 is greater than 68 is greater than 65 . Francesco is tallest.

73 > 70 > 68 > 65. Francesco is tallest.
73 is greater than 70 is greater than 68 is greater than 65 . Francesco is tallest.

73 > 70 > 68 > 65. Abdul is tallest.
73 is greater than 70 is greater than 68 is greater than 65 . Abdul is tallest.

65 < 68 < 70 < 73. Abdul is tallest.

285 > 52 > −184 > −282

73 > 70 > 68 > 65. Abdul is tallest.

Use the image to answer the question.

A horizontal scale ranges from 0 to 6 in increments of 1. Dmitri is plotted at 2 and Letitia is plotted at 5.

What inequality describes the number of Letitia’s cousins relative to the number of Dmitri’s cousins? Who has more cousins? Use the number line to see the relative positions of the two numbers of cousins modeled.

(1 point)

5 > 2. Dmitri has more cousins.
5 is greater than 2 . Dmitri has more cousins.

5 < 2. Dmitri has more cousins.
5 is less than 2 . Dmitri has more cousins.

5 > 2. Letitia has more cousins.
5 is greater than 2 . Letitia has more cousins.

5 < 2. Letitia has more cousins.
5 is less than 2 . Letitia has more cousins.
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5 > 2. Letitia has more cousins.

The altitudes of four locations in California are 52 ft., −282 ft. , 285 ft., and −184 ft . Use inequality symbols to order these altitudes from highest to lowest.(1 point)


285 > 52 > −184 > −282
285 is greater than 52 is greater than negative 184 is greater than negative 282

285 > −282 > −184 > 52
285 is greater than negative 282 is greater than negative 184 is greater than 52

285 > 52 > −282 > −184
285 is greater than 52 is greater than negative 282 is greater than negative 184

−282 < −184 < 52 < 285