What is the volume of a moving truck with the following measurements: 9910 ft. long, 6110 ft. high, and 6910 ft. wide? Apply the volume formula for a rectangular prism to solve. (1 point)


691 start fraction 416 over 1,000 end fraction ft cubed

416 start fraction 691 over 1,000 end fraction ft cubed

68 start fraction 31 over 100 end fraction ft cubed


The volume of the moving truck can be calculated using the formula for a rectangular prism which is V = l x w x h where l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height.

Length (l) = 9910 ft
Width (w) = 6910 ft
Height (h) = 6110 ft

V = 9910 x 6910 x 6110
V = 416658691000 ft^3

Therefore, the volume of the moving truck is 416,690,000 ft^3.

So, the correct answer is:
416,690,000 ft^3