What is the volume of this triangular pyramid?

12 yd
20 yd
10 yd

cubic yards

The formula for the volume of a triangular pyramid is V = (1/3)bh, where b is the area of the base and h is the height of the pyramid.

First, find the area of the base of the triangular pyramid. The base is a triangle with a base of 12 yards and a height of 10 yards.

Area of base = (1/2)bh
Area of base = (1/2)(12)(10)
Area of base = 60 square yards

Next, find the height of the triangular pyramid. The height is the perpendicular distance from the base to the apex of the pyramid. Given that it is a geometrically triangular pyramid and based on the given dimensions, we can determine that the height is 20 yards.

Now, plug the area of the base and the height into the volume formula:

V = (1/3)(60)(20)
V = (1/3)(1200)
V = 400 cubic yards

Therefore, the volume of the triangular pyramid is 400 cubic yards.