Use the image to answer the question.

A right rectangular prism is made up of 4 cubes that are 15 inch on each side. Use the cube method or the formula method to find the volume. Reduce your answer to lowest terms.

(1 point)

55=1 cubic inches
Start Fraction 5 over 5 End Fraction equals 1 cubic inches

45 cubic inches
Start Fraction 4 over 5 End Fraction cubic inches

425 cubic inches
Start Fraction 4 over 25 End Fraction cubic inches

4125 cubic inches

Please provide the image for reference in order to answer the question.

how do i do that

You can describe the image in detail or use specific dimensions mentioned in the question to provide context for solving the problem. Once that information is provided, I can assist you in finding the volume of the right rectangular prism.