The program below asks the user to enter a comma-separated list of food items as a single string. It should then break that string apart into a list, remove any extra white-space on each element, and print the items to the screen. The first letter in each word should be capitalized, and the entire string surrounded by hash marks (#).

Where shown by the comments, take the following steps:

Initialize the orders variable as a list by using the split() method on food, splitting on commas ",".
Create a "for" loop to iterate over the orders. Choose your own loop index variable name.
Inside the loop:
Use the strip() function to remove any white-space from the current item.
Use the capitalize() function on the current item so the first letter only is capitalized.
Print the final item to the screen, surrounded by "#" characters.
Remember, when you use functions like strip() and capitalize(), they return new strings that must be stored somewhere (such as back in the original variable, or in a new variable you declare).

The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.

Enter a list of foods you want to eat, separated by commas: ice cream, pizza, fries, hot dog
Your order:
#Ice cream#
#Hot dog#
Enter a list of foods you want to eat, separated by commas: salad , tea, cupcake
Your order:

food = input("Enter a list of foods you want to eat, separated by commas: ")

# split the input food into a list, based on commas
orders =

print("Your order:")

# create a for loop to iterate over orders

# remove white-space from this item

# print the capitalized version to the screen, with "#" on each side

food = input("Enter a list of foods you want to eat, separated by commas: ")

# split the input food into a list, based on commas
orders = food.split(",")

print("Your order:")

# create a for loop to iterate over orders
for idx, item in enumerate(orders):
# remove white-space from this item
item = item.strip()
# print the capitalized version to the screen, with "#" on each side

File "", line 13

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

It seems that your Python version does not support f-strings. You can change the print statement to use string concatenation instead. Here is the updated code:

food = input("Enter a list of foods you want to eat, separated by commas: ")

# split the input food into a list, based on commas
orders = food.split(",")

print("Your order:")

# create a for loop to iterate over orders
for idx, item in enumerate(orders):
# remove white-space from this item
item = item.strip()
# print the capitalized version to the screen, with "#" on each side
print("#" + item.capitalize() + "#")