in half a page length describe the use of metaphor simile and hyperbole in the song glory by John legend and common

In the song "Glory" by John Legend and Common, metaphor, simile, and hyperbole are used to convey powerful messages about the struggle for civil rights and equality. The lyrics are filled with vivid imagery that evoke a strong emotional response from the listener.

One example of metaphor in the song is when Common raps, "The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful." Here, peace is described as a weapon, highlighting the idea that nonviolent resistance can be a powerful force for change.

Simile is used to compare the struggle for justice to physical obstacles, such as when John Legend sings, "One day when the glory comes, it will be ours, it will be ours. Oh one day when the war is won, we will be sure, we will be sure." This comparison helps to emphasize the idea that achieving equality will require perseverance and determination.

Hyperbole is also used in the song to emphasize the magnitude of the struggle for civil rights. For example, when Common raps, "That's why we walk through Ferguson with our hands up," he is exaggerating to make a statement about the injustice faced by marginalized communities.

Overall, the use of metaphor, simile, and hyperbole in "Glory" adds depth and emotion to the lyrics, making it a powerful anthem for the fight for equality and justice.