What has improved and not in Public management in the postmodern era, in ethics and integrity of governance, and modernizing the civil service up to now?

In the postmodern era, public management has seen advancements in certain areas while facing challenges in others.


1. Greater focus on transparency and accountability: There is now a greater emphasis on transparency and accountability in governance, with governments and public organizations becoming more open and responsive to citizen demands.

2. Emphasis on inclusivity and diversity: Public management has increasingly recognized the importance of inclusivity and diversity in decision-making processes, leading to more equitable and representative policies.

3. Use of technology: The use of technology has revolutionized public management, making processes more efficient and accessible to citizens. Digital tools have been implemented to streamline services and improve communication between government and citizens.


1. Ethical concerns: Despite advancements in transparency, ethical concerns still persist in public management. Issues such as corruption, conflicts of interest, and abuse of power continue to challenge the integrity of governance.

2. Growing complexity: The modern world has become increasingly complex, with new challenges and issues emerging that require innovative solutions. Public management must adapt to these complexities and find ways to address them effectively.

3. Resistance to change: Modernizing the civil service has faced resistance from stakeholders who are comfortable with the status quo. Implementing reforms and changes in governance structures can be difficult and may face pushback from entrenched interests.

Overall, while there have been improvements in certain aspects of public management in the postmodern era, challenges remain in addressing ethical concerns, adapting to complexity, and overcoming resistance to change. Further efforts are needed to ensure that governance is ethical, efficient, and responsive to the needs of society.