Are shotguns higher caliber than assault rifles?

No, shotguns are not necessarily higher caliber than assault rifles. Caliber refers to the size of the bullet or projectile, not the type of weapon. Shotguns typically shoot shells containing multiple pellets, while assault rifles shoot individual bullets. The caliber of a shotgun or assault rifle can vary depending on the specific model and ammunition being used.

Well... which one is more powerful?

In terms of sheer firepower and stopping power, shotguns are generally considered more powerful than assault rifles. This is because shotguns typically fire multiple pellets (in the case of buckshot or birdshot) or a single large projectile (in the case of slugs) with each shot, whereas assault rifles fire smaller individual bullets.

Shotguns are often preferred for close-range combat and home defense due to their ability to quickly incapacitate targets with a single shot. However, assault rifles have the advantage of higher magazine capacity, faster rate of fire, and longer effective range compared to shotguns. Ultimately, the "power" of a weapon depends on various factors such as ammunition type, shot placement, and the specific situation in which it is being used.

Do smgs have more power than pistols?

Submachine guns (SMGs) generally have more power than pistols, primarily due to their larger size and longer barrels. SMGs are typically chambered in higher-caliber cartridges than most pistols, which allows them to generate more muzzle energy and deliver more stopping power.

Moreover, SMGs are designed for rapid-fire automatic or burst-fire modes, enabling them to unleash a higher volume of fire in a short amount of time compared to pistols. This makes SMGs better suited for engaging multiple targets at close to medium range, as well as providing more effective suppression fire.

However, it's important to note that the power of a firearm is not solely determined by its type (pistol or SMG), but also by factors such as ammunition type, barrel length, and the specific make and model of the weapon.