For the following explain whether or not you think that logos is being used effectively "Everyone has children, therefore everyone needs to think about the schooling of his or her children"

In this statement, logos is not being used effectively. While it is true that many people have children, not everyone may agree that all parents need to think about schooling for their children. The argument is based on the assumption that all parents think the same way and prioritize education in the same manner, which may not be the case. It would be more effective to provide statistical data or research to support the claim that education is important for all children.

Dumb it down

Sure, the argument that "everyone has children, therefore everyone needs to think about the schooling of his or her children" is not effective because not all parents may view education as a top priority for their children. It would be better to provide evidence or examples to support the importance of education for all children.

"You dont need to jump in front of a train to know its a bad idea; so why do you need to try drugs if they're damaging

In this statement, logos is being used effectively. The argument is based on the logical principle that you don't need to experience something directly to know that it is harmful. By drawing a comparison between jumping in front of a train and trying drugs, the argument effectively conveys the message that experimenting with drugs is not necessary to understand their negative effects. This logical reasoning can be persuasive in emphasizing the dangers of drug use.

Dumb it down

The argument is basically saying that just like you don't have to actually jump in front of a train to know it's dangerous, you don't have to try drugs to know they can be harmful. It's using common sense to show that it's not necessary to experience something firsthand to understand its risks.

"Cigaratte smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause caancer, so why start smoking?

In this statement, logos is being used effectively. The argument is supported by factual information about the harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke and how they can cause cancer. By providing specific data on the number of chemicals and the known risks of smoking, the argument logically supports the message that starting smoking is not a good idea. This evidence-based reasoning can be persuasive in discouraging people from taking up smoking.