The function below has the form of y=k(x^2). What is the value of k?

1,5,3,0 can you tell me how to find k, it's a parabola on a graph?

To find the value of k in the function y=k(x^2), you need to know a point on the graph of the parabola. Once you have a point (x, y) that lies on the parabola, you can substitute the values of x and y into the equation and solve for k.

For example, if you have a point (2, 8) on the parabola, you can substitute x=2 and y=8 into the equation:

8 = k(2^2)
8 = 4k
k = 8/4
k = 2

So, with the point (2, 8), the value of k in the function y=k(x^2) is k=2.

You can follow the same process with any other point on the graph to find the value of k.

I think the vertex is at 0 on the parabola and it opens upwards but I still don't know how to find k

If the vertex of the parabola is at the origin (0, 0) and the parabola opens upwards, it means the vertex form of the parabola is y = kx^2.

In this case, since the vertex is at (0, 0), you can set x = 0 and y = 0 in the equation:

0 = k(0^2)
0 = k(0)
0 = 0

Since the equation is satisfied for any value of k when x = 0, you cannot determine the value of k based solely on the information given (vertex at the origin and opening upwards).

In this specific case, where the parabola has its vertex at the origin and opens upwards, the equation y = kx^2 represents a family of parabolas that share the same general shape. Without additional information or another point on the graph, you cannot determine the specific value of k.

The numbers I see on the graph are 0 at the vertex I believe and going up there is number 5 will that help you to help me?

Yes, with the additional point (0, 5) where 0 is the x-coordinate of the vertex and 5 is the corresponding y-coordinate, we can determine the value of k.

Given the equation y = kx^2, we know that the vertex is at (0, 0), so k = 5/0^2. Since anything divided by zero is undefined, the value of k is also undefined.

However, assuming there might have been a mistake in the coordinates provided or if there is another point on the graph you are referring to, please double-check the coordinates to determine the correct values and find the value of k accordingly.