You are given a square. If the area of the square is 81in ^ 2 you can find the length of one of the sides by______

You can find the perimeter of the square by_____

You are given a cube. If the volume of the cube is 125i * n ^ 3 you can find the length of one of the sides by______

The difference between squaring and cubing a number is____

Answer choices
Divide 125 by 3

Taking the square root of 81

Taking the square root of 81 and then multiply by 4

Multiply by 2 and Multiply by 3

squaring has 2 factors of the base and cubing has 3 factors of the base

Taking the square root of 125

Divide 81 by 2

Taking the cube root of 125

Taking the cube root of 8

- Taking the square root of 81

- Multiply by 4
- Taking the cube root of 125
- squaring has 2 factors of the base and cubing has 3 factors of the base