Which of the following statements best analyzes why international recognition is important for sovereignty and/or self-determination?(1 point)


International recognition is an important step to recognizing a country’s culture and the social identity of the people who live within that country.
International recognition is an important step to recognizing a country’s culture and the social identity of the people who live within that country.

Places that do not have international recognition will always be experiencing conflict and cannot create peaceful governments on their own.
Places that do not have international recognition will always be experiencing conflict and cannot create peaceful governments on their own.

International recognition can help improve a territory’s ability to protect itself successfully and also gain access to participating in beneficial global organizations.
International recognition can help improve a territory’s ability to protect itself successfully and also gain access to participating in beneficial global organizations.

It is not possible for self-determination to occur in a territory unless other countries have determined that a place can govern itself on its own.

International recognition can help improve a territory’s ability to protect itself successfully and also gain access to participating in beneficial global organizations. This is because when a country receives international recognition, it validates its sovereignty and self-determination, allowing it to establish diplomatic relations with other countries and access resources and support from international organizations. This recognition also helps to establish and maintain peace and stability within the country, as it demonstrates that the international community respects and acknowledges the country's government and people.