There is a rectangular prism and pyramid with congruent bases and height of the volume of the pyramid is 48 in cubic meters hay is the valine of the prism

To find the volume of the prism, we need to determine the dimensions of the prism first. Since the base of the pyramid is congruent to the base of the prism, we can use the height of the pyramid to find the height of the prism.

Let's denote the base of the prism as B and the height of the prism as h. Since the volume of the pyramid is 48 cubic meters, we can use the formula for the volume of a pyramid:

Volume of pyramid = (1/3) * Base Area * Height
48 = (1/3) * B * 48
B = 144

Now we can find the volume of the prism using the formula for the volume of a prism:

Volume of prism = Base Area * Height
Volume of prism = 144 * 48

Volume of prism = 6,912 cubic meters

Therefore, the volume of the rectangular prism is 6,912 cubic meters.