Tori wrote a speech about the negative influence social media has on people. Read the excerpt from her speech. Then, answer the question that follows after.

If I could give one piece of advice to other teens struggling to balance social media with real life, I'd say this: social media will make you feel like you're constantly moving backwards; if you focus on real life, you'll always move forward.

Which rhetorical question does Tori use in the bolded portion of the excerpt "Social media with real life, I'd say this: social media will make you feel like you're constantly moving backwards; if you focus on real life, you'll always move forward."

The rhetorical question used by Tori is: "Which will you choose, moving backwards or moving forward?"

Which rhetorical question does Tori use in the bolded portion of the excerpt "Social media with real life, I'd say this: social media will make you feel like you're constantly moving backwards; if you focus on real life, you'll always move forward."

A) Antithesis

B) Irony

C) Rhetorical question

D) Zeugma

C) Rhetorical question