A recipe calls for 2/3 of a cup of milk for 10 cookies. How many cups of milk are needed to make 90 cookies?

90/10 = x/(2/3)

6 = x

Apologies for the mistake in my previous response.

Using the correct calculation:

90/10 = x/(2/3)
9 = x/(2/3)
9 = 3x/2
x = 6

Therefore, 6 cups of milk are needed to make 90 cookies. Thank you for pointing out the error.

To find out how much milk is needed for 90 cookies, we can set up a proportion:

2/3 cup of milk is needed for 10 cookies
x cups of milk is needed for 90 cookies

(2/3) / 10 = x / 90

Cross multiplying, we get:
3(90) = 10(2)x
270 = 20x
x = 13.5

Therefore, 13.5 cups of milk are needed to make 90 cookies.