Tori wrote a speech about the negative influence social media has. Read her opening statement. Then, answer the question that follows after.

A girl grabs her phone and gently taps the icon to access a social media app. She carefully scrolls through each picture the app has, scanning each picture with great interest, hoping to find someone who looks like her, sounds remotely like her, and even as far as to find someone who acts like her. But alas, her search was all for nothing, there are none. But, what she does find are unrealistic, images edited beyond belief that make her feel like she's not succeeding, rich enough, or pretty enough to fit in with others around her. Tears begin to swell in her eyes and come rolling down her cheeks. Welcome to the social media mayhem - a world where teens get lost in the expectations of others' standards they'll never meet.

Which rhetorical appeal has Tori used to support her claim that social media is a bad influence, especially for teens?

A) Ethos

B) Logos

C) Pathos

D) Zeugma

Pick an answer that fits best.

C) Pathos