After a heavy snowfall, George shovels square yards of snow off his driveway in hours. At this rate, how many square yards of driveway would he shovel in hours?

To find out how many square yards of snow George would shovel in hours, we can set up a proportion using the amount he shovels in hours as a reference.

Let's say the amount of snow he shovels in hours is x square yards. Then, we can set up the proportion:

x square yards / 2 hours = square yards / hours

Since we know that George shovels square yards of snow off his driveway in hours, we can substitute these values into the proportion:

square yards / 2 hours = square yards / hours

Now, we can solve for x:

x = square yards * hours / 2 hours
x = square yards *

Therefore, George would shovel square yards of driveway in hours.