consider the steps for solving 3x^2-42x+9=-5 for x.

Step 1: 3x^2-42x=-14
Step 2: 3(x^2-14x)=-14
Step 3: 3(x^2-14x+49)=-14+_
What number should be added to the right side of the equation

to complete the square?


To complete the square, you need to add half of the coefficient of x (the number in front of x) squared. In this case, the coefficient of x is -14, so half of -14 is -7, and -7 squared is 49. Therefore, you should add 49 to the right side of the equation.

wrong the choices are


Sorry about that. To complete the square, you need to add half of the coefficient of x (the number in front of x) squared. In this case, the coefficient of x is -14, so half of -14 is -7, and -7 squared is 49. Therefore, you should add 49 to the right side of the equation.