Use the table of data for two falling rocks to answer the question.

Rock 1 Rock 2
Mass (kg) 2.5 25
Height of Fall (m) 78.4 78.4
Time to Fall (s) 4.0 ?
Based on this data, how many seconds will it take rock 2 to fall?

(1 point)

40 seconds
40 seconds

4.0 seconds
4.0 seconds

0.4 second
0.4 second

1.6 seconds

1.6 seconds

To determine the time it will take for Rock 2 to fall, we can use the formula \( t = \sqrt{\frac{2h}{g}} \), where t is the time to fall, h is the height of the fall, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s^2).

For Rock 2:
\( t = \sqrt{\frac{2 \times 78.4}{9.81}} \)
\( t = \sqrt{\frac{156.8}{9.81}} \)
\( t = \sqrt{15.99} \)
\( t \approx 4.0 \, seconds \)

Therefore, Rock 2 will take 4.0 seconds to fall.