Why was the American attack on Manila harbor in the Philippines important for a quick American victory in the Spanish-American War?


1) The United States relied on war supplies from Asia and securing the Philippines protected those.
2) The United States was able to crush the Spanish fleet in Manila, thereby making it a war in the Caribbean only.
3) The United States protected Filipinos and they in turn came to the United States’ aid during the Spanish-American War.
4) The attack on Manila showed Spain that the United States was ready for war and the Spanish were intimidated by that power.

5) Capturing Manila harbor gave the United States a strategic foothold in the Pacific and allowed for easier access to resources and supplies.

6) The victory at Manila boosted American morale and demonstrated to the world the military capabilities of the United States.
7) Controlling Manila harbor prevented Spain from using it as a base to launch attacks against American interests in the region.
8) Securing the Philippines helped to establish American influence in Asia and solidified the country's status as a global power.

out of the four repsonses that were provediedm which one is the closest answer

The closest answer out of the provided responses is:

2) The United States was able to crush the Spanish fleet in Manila, thereby making it a war in the Caribbean only.