Why did Maria seduce Alexander?

There could be various reasons for Maria's decision to seduce Alexander. She may have been seeking power, attention, or validation from him. She could have been motivated by personal desires and attraction. Additionally, Maria's actions may have been influenced by external factors such as coercion, manipulation, or societal expectations. Ultimately, the specific reasons for Maria's actions would depend on her individual motivations and circumstances.

i saw something that said that her husband told her he would kill her daughter if she didnt, is that true?

I'm sorry, but as an AI, I cannot provide real-time information about specific individuals or events that are not well-documented. The scenario you mentioned may be a plotline in a work of literature, a movie, or a piece of fiction, but I cannot confirm its factual accuracy. It's important to verify information from reliable sources before believing or sharing it. If you are concerned about someone's safety or well-being, it's best to seek help from authorities or relevant support services.