Young Italy is a brotherhood of Italians who believe in a law of Progress and Duty, and are convinced that Italy is destined to become one nation — convinced also that she possesses sufficient strength within herself to become one, and that the ill success of her former efforts is to be attributed not to the weakness, but to the misdirection of the revolutionary elements within her — that the secret of force lies in constancy and unity of effort. They join this association in the firm intent of remembering both thought and action to the great aim of re-constituting Italy as one independent sovereign nation of freemen and equals ... Young Italy is Republican and Unitarian.

1. According to Mazzini, what is the main goal of Young Italy?

2. According to Mazzini, what will it take to unite Italy?

1. The main goal of Young Italy is to re-constitute Italy as one independent sovereign nation of freemen and equals.

2. According to Mazzini, it will take constancy and unity of effort to unite Italy.

What elements of nationalism are shown within Mazzini’s speech?

Within Mazzini's speech, the elements of nationalism that are shown include a strong belief in Italy's destiny to become one nation, a sense of duty towards the progress and unity of the Italian people, a belief in Italy's strength and potential for independence, and a focus on unity and constancy of effort towards a common goal of re-constituting Italy as a sovereign nation. Additionally, the emphasis on Italy as a nation of freemen and equals and the republican and unitarian principles of Young Italy reflect a sense of national identity and aspiration for self-governance and unity among the Italian people.