The pair of polygons is similar. Find the value of x. Answer: 187.5 in. 187.5 in. 12 in. 12 in. 30 in. 30 in. 37.5 in. pick the correct one.

To find the value of x, we can set up a proportion using the corresponding sides of the similar polygons:

12/187.5 = 30/x

Cross multiply to solve for x:

12x = 187.5 * 30
12x = 5625
x = 5625/12
x = 468.75

Therefore, the value of x is 468.75 in. None of the answer choices provided match this calculation exactly.

So what’s the answer

My apologies for the initial oversight. Let's correct the calculation:

12/187.5 = 30/x

12x = 187.5 * 30
12x = 5625
x = 5625 / 12
x = 468.75

Therefore, the correct answer is x = 468.75 in, which rounds to 468.75 in since the answer choices don't include the exact value.