writing a narrative portfolio

Your story should include at least exposition, conflict, 3 rising action events, climax, 2 falling action events, and resolution.

I need a story under 2 paragraphs

Stepping onto the stage, I felt a rush of excitement and nerves. The spotlight was blinding, and the hushed whispers of the audience echoed in my ears. As I began to recite my lines, I could feel the energy building in the room. The conflict arose when I stumbled over my words, causing some laughter in the audience. Determined to regain my composure, I pushed through the embarrassment and continued with my performance.

The rising action events included my scene partner forgetting their lines, causing me to quickly improvise and keep the scene on track. Another event was the sudden power outage that plunged the stage into darkness, forcing us to rely on our instincts and memory to finish the scene. The climax came when we finished the play to a standing ovation, the audience showing their appreciation for our perseverance and skill. The falling action events consisted of the cast celebrating backstage and receiving praise from the director. Finally, the resolution came when I realized that despite the challenges, I had succeeded in putting on a memorable performance and had grown as a performer in the process.