What is a gene, and what does it do?


A gene is a section of RNA that builds proteins.
A gene is a section of , R N A, that builds proteins.

A gene is a chromosome that contains instructions for building DNA.
A gene is a chromosome that contains instructions for building , D N A, .

A gene is section of a chromosome that contains instructions for building a protein.
A gene is section of a chromosome that contains instructions for building a protein.

A gene is a protein that speeds up chemical reactions.

A gene is a basic unit of heredity in a living organism. It is a segment of DNA that carries the instructions for making a specific protein or performing a specific function within the body. Genes determine various traits and characteristics in an organism, such as eye color, blood type, and susceptibility to certain diseases. Genes are passed down from parents to offspring during reproduction and play a crucial role in the growth, development, and overall function of an organism.